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Intern - ML Engineer

Purva Joshi

Intern - Full Stack Engineer


Intern - Technical Creator 


Intern - Data Scientist


Asked How to initiate in this field. Given How i can initiate with what kind of course and my primary focus area. It helps.I remember before 3 years ago when i was completely new in this field after completion of my graduation in Civil engineering.You direct me about courses and some of institutes.I also appreciate your help when i was confused about how to boost career as fresher,what are the important topics i supposed to focus on based on my interest.Where i look forward is if we build GIS community in India to keep updates,meets ,articles and challenges to discuss with people like you.We can bring this together.


I had many questions such as how is geoinformatics field, Is it much of a coding or civil engineering, placement opportunity at IITK in this specialization, what to prepare as beginner before starting curriculum at IITK in this course etc. I got satisfactory answers from answers posted by you on Quora and website and also personal interaction with you. Just keep it up because entering altogether different field for doing specialization after Btech is always big decision for anyone and at such time if one gets opportunity to interact and hear from someone who has already done it helps a lot.


Asked What to choose and what not to for thesis and also scopes for future in GIS. A very good guidance was given by Ayush of what topics should I choose with my interest and what scopes will I get in future .


Asked about Satellite image processing and photogrammetry. Keep doing this good work... really helpful for people who are new to this field


Asked about How to proceed with the subject and the tools/skills required. It was a great help. Very nice guidance was given. Told me that the basic tools are ARCGis and QGIS, asked me to explore a bit more, learn Python, and yeah try out new possibilities like programming/analytics/computer side, etc. What you are doing it great! Thankyou for guiding me at the right time :)


I wanted to understand the diversities and applications in this field. Being a geoinformatics engineer myself, it was crucial for me to what's there for me ahead. Yes, they were resolved. I was suggested more good technologies and platforms to explore further. Keep helping the community.

Testimonials: Press Kit
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